
Special Educational Needs - SEND

Special Educational Needs
A child has special education needs (SEN) if s/he is experiencing learning difficulties, social, emotional, behavioural or physical difficulties greater than the majority of the children of the same age. Pupils with special educational needs require additional help to enable them to learn or to enable them to access the curriculum. This additional help may be in the form of individualised planning, or modification of material, the provision of specific teaching or technological aids, or the allocation of additional teachers or support from a teaching assistant.
For some pupils the support will be dependent on the Local Education Authority allocating sufficient resources to meet their needs. Children who are more able also need identification so their needs can be met as appropriate. The school welcomes children with special educational needs and everything will be done to cater for their special requirements.
We have adopted the Code of Practice on the identification and 17 assessment of special educational needs. Early identification is very important and parents, carers or staff may raise initial concerns. Once a concern has been raised the class teacher will, through observation and assessment, gather evidence as to the severity of the needs.The special educational needs co-ordinator will be advised at each stage of the process and monitoring the whole procedure as it progresses.
In our school most special educational needs programmes involve the class teacher, the child and the parents working together with the SEN co-ordinator and in certain cases an outside agency on an individualised programme for the child. The whole essence of the special education needs work in Cromford School is that all pupils receive an appropriate education to which they are entitled.
If you have any questions about our school, please feel free to contact either Mrs Liz Foster (Headteacher) or Mrs Amy Fisher (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) on 01629 822248 or info@cromford.derbyshire.sch.uk.