❗ Half Term 17th - 21st Feb - Children return to school 24th Feb ❗ Swimming - Lasts session is 12th Feb. Swimming after half term is for Y1, 2 & 3 ❗ Forest school after half term is for Owls Class ❗

School Uniform

It is the policy of the school that uniform be recommended to all parents.
The recommended school uniform comprises:
Red sweatshirt, cardigan, fleece, jumper or hooded jumper; plain white top under sweatshirt. Dark colour (black, navy or grey) pinafore dress, trousers or skirts. Sensible dark coloured footwear – flat heels only.
Dark colour bottoms including shorts, top as winter options. Optional red stripe/check dresses can be worn.
P.E - to be warn on PE days
Plain white tops with dark coloured warm leggings or jogging bottoms (not jeans) and jumper for games plus a change of footwear.
All infants will have the opportunity to visit Wirksworth Learner Pool for swimming tuition. Older children visit The Arc Leisure Centre in Matlock at some point during their years in Key Stage 2. The children need a towel, costume or trunks and a swimming hat for this.
School and County Policy is that children should only wear studs and should not have earrings in for PE or swimming, even covered with tape. If children have earrings, they must be able to put them in and take them out themselves, as we are not permitted to help with this. Wristwatches are the only other item of jewellery that may be worn.
The wearing of make up, including nail varnish, is not permitted at school.